In our workshop we want to break the myth of ugly temp-pretty final and raise the value of outstanding temp-better final. We will present the rationale for excellent provisionalisation using different materials and techniques. The implications or poor provisionals are too many to list here and the benefits of spending time and effort on them are priceless.
We will demostrate and make 3 types of provisional crowns: bisacryl, restorative composite and shell PMMA crowns.
We will also demonstrate and practice staining and glazing provisionals to create effects and life like restorations.
You skills and confidence in making oustanding provisionals will get a huge boost after our workshop
Aims and objectives:
- Understand the value of excellent provisional restorations
- Apply different techniques for different prep designs
- Discuss fabrication, margination and cementation of provisional crown
Learning outcomes:
- Practice making excellent provisionals for horizontal preparation
- Practice making excellent provisionals for vertical preparation
- Use bisacryl, restorative composite and PMMA for provisional crowns

Kostas Karagiannopoulos
Specialist Prosthodontist

Zohaib Ali
Specialist Prosthodontist