To provide a clinical overview of the concepts which can be applied to the restoration of root filled teeth, as well as, theoretical and hands-on training on endo-restorative techniques including pre-endodontic build-up, core placement, the use of fibre posts, direct and indirect cuspal coverage solutions.
Aims and objectives:
The speakers will:
- Provide insight into the fundamental aspects of endo-restorative treatment planning
- Discuss techniques for pre- and post-endodontic core placement, fibre post placement and cuspal coverage preparation (onlays)
- Demonstrate predictable techniques for adhesive core placement, fibre post and core
restoration and tooth preparation for onlays on root filled posterior teeth - Discuss the principles of management of complex endo-restorative problems and the
importance of dentine preservation
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the course, the delegates will be able to:
- Appreciate the importance of integrating endodontic and restorative treatment planning to optimise treatment outcome and survival of the root filled tooth
- Utilise the benefits of adhesive restorative techniques when placing cores, fibre posts and providing direct and indirect cuspal coverage restorations
- Understand the challenges of bonding within the root filled tooth and how these issues can be overcome
- Appraise the complexity and prognosis of endo-restorative cases

Bhavin Bhuva
Specialist Endodontist

Mahul Patel
Special interest in Aesthetic & Restorative Dentistry