This ortho/restorative workshop demonstrates exactly how orthodontics and restorative dentistry should be used in a combined approach to deliver the very highest standard of treatment and care. Teaches minimally invasive techniques including freehand edge bonding, extensive polishing procedures, tooth shaping, bleaching and the Dahl Principle. A huge element of this workshop is to establish the best way to educate patients and change your daily dental examination.
Orthodontics is one thing, understanding where to place and restore teeth for occlusion, function and the best aesthetics is another.
This workshop is designed to help you understand how to plan and perform the steps that can create magical, functional smiles where ABB can be used not only to improve appearance but to improve function, guidance, and gain better long-term occlusal stability.
During this workshop, you will learn hands-on techniques that will allow you to carry out ABB predictably, covering the basics of Simple Edge Bonding via the reverse triangle technique. Tif will also cover hands-on techniques to show how the Dahl principle works for direct restorative treatment as a direct splint and to gain space and in orthodontics to place retainers with a functional safer outcome.
The workshop will also cover the concept of digitally planned aesthetic tooth shaping for space creation and far more beautiful results via a complete digital workflow. It will describe how landmark points and correct analysis can guarantee no risk of flaring and total unrivalled control of the anterior occlusion and canine guidance and will also discuss restorative sequencing for cases involving orthodontics, crowns and veneers.
Tif will also demonstrate many cases and long-term follow up of restorative and orthodontic cases.
Aims and objectives:
- To understand the effect of continued tooth movement on anterior tooth function and aesthetics
- To highlight the planning protocols of simple occlusion-driven anterior alignment methodology using digital arch evaluation and 3D printing
- To consider the protection of guidance and the long-term function via planning and retention methodology
- To outline the use of edge bonding as a viable non-invasive aesthetic and functional tool for cosmetic dentistry and occlusal treatment via the Dahl principle
Learning outcomes:
- You will understand how case planning and appropriate treatment can help all dentists carry out simple anterior treatments that not only have aesthetic but clear and long-term functional benefits
- See how cosmetic dentistry can be far more functionally driven and this applies to vastly more patients than traditionally believed
- Understand how a safe and systematic driven approach to restoratively focused orthodontics can provide results that are achievable and last for years and how this is applicable to nearly every patient
- Most importantly, you will start to observe and communicate with patients daily in a better way that allows patients to understand what is happening to their teeth over a lifetime and make a more informed decision on intervention