A workshop centred around the UK consent process and GDC standards to allow professional treatment planning and fee setting for any dental surgeon, treatment co-ordinator or practice manager. If you find that the time taken to collect and analyse data, reach a diagnosis, plan a case, and then report and cost treatments for your patients takes a large amount of your time outside the practice, this course is for you. This course is about streamlining the consultation process, complying with regulatory requirements, and aspiring to best practice documentation. There are tips on treatment planning both small and large cases and costing treatment in real-life based on your own practice expenses. Based on 25 years of experience as a private practice owner, this course may just change the way you work for good.
The aims of this workshop are to teach the basics of patient-centred case management for practice owners and their teams and give associate colleagues a realistic understanding of the time and costs associated with providing high level dental care in private practice.
It also covers the consent process and required professional GDC Standards in the UK.
Learning outcomes:
- Understand the basics of the consent process and GDC standards and therefore ensure that the communication and consent process is valid
- Determine practice overheads and targets and thus calculate time-related costs
- How to ensure that sufficient patient data is collected before and during a new patient consultation as efficiently as possible
- Learn how to collect and collate data for treatment planning purposes
- Understand the real costs of time spent when treatment planning and communicating with our patients outside surgery hours to ensure a better work-life balance
- Streamline the documentation, communication and consent process using modern GDPR-compliant methods including secure form design and digital signing of documents in order to save time and energy and prevent miscommunication when maintaining records
- This workshop will mainly concentrate on the use of Exact Dental management software (Software of Excellence), Cognito online forms, Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Sign and touch on the role of Adobe Photoshop / Adobe Bridge and Microsoft PowerPoint. However the principles are applicable to other comparable software packages.