We are in a dental environment in which osseointegration has reduced our reliance on tooth-supported fixed prostheses. However, these skills can be invaluable in the management of patients who may be unsuitable or unable to proceed with implant treatments. This full day hands-on workshop will focus on case selection, treatment planning, design and provision of conventional and adhesive bridgework to aid your confidence in providing fixed prosthetic solutions.
- To provide delegates information and practical guidance to improve their ability to
deliver predictable tooth-supported fixed prosthetic restorations
- Reviewing the clinical factors involved in treatment planning for bridges
- Understanding the fundamentals of abutment selection
- Practical skills review regarding the provision of a fixed-fixed conventional bridge
- Revising case selection, design and bonding of adhesive bridges
- Practical skills review involving immediate chair-side bridges

Aditya Naidu
Specialist in Fixed & Removable Prosthodontics