The prevalence of wear as viewed in the human dentition are multifactorial in etiology. Ranging from mechanical disturbances through to environmental destruction, the patterns of tooth loss are often categorizable.
With early intervention, further loss is possible without modification of the existing occlusal relationships.
With late intervention, often an undertaking of reconstructing the centric relation occlusion position is involved, necessitating the use of devices to recreate this position in a neurologically-harmonious position.
Aims and Objectives:
This lecture will review modes of mechanical and environment-induced failure and the strategies to minimise as well as rectify structure loss
Learning Outcomes:
- You will learn situations where wear is more prominent and how to assess a normal rate of wear, especially in adolescents
- To review methods of Centric Relation and CRO determination
- Learn under which circumstances it is acceptable to use an anterior deprogrammer
- Learn a protocol for the effective esthetic management of incisor hypomineralization
- Learn the various modes of occlusal failure and dysfunction
- Review the ideal protocol of occlusal diagnosis through to establishment of a new CRO in composite resin.
- Learn the methods of placing transitional bonding, in both posterior and anterior regions
- Review cases which exhibit secondary occlusal traumatism and how to manage these in the context of occlusal rehabilitation

Clarence Tam
Special interest in Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry