James graduated with honours from Leeds in 1996 and was awarded The Wattsman Prize
for best case in finals and The Charles Rippon Medal for the most distinguished student in
the year. He completed a certificate course in Restorative Dentistry at The Eastman 2002,
and an MSc in Conservative Dentistry, with distinction, at The Eastman in 2004, where he
also won the 3M Postgraduate prize. In 2005, he won the BSRD Research Prize and is a
previous president of both The Dental Society of London and The British Society for
Restorative Dentistry. James teaches on masters programmes at UCL Eastman and
Peninsula Dental School as well lecturing and delivering hands-on courses in Adhesive
Dentistry and Implants in the UK and abroad. His is a Key Opinion Leader for GC UK and
is a member of the GC European Restorative Advisory Panel. He has been published in
both journals and textbooks on the subject of restorative dentistry.