Dr. David Palombo is a European Federation of Periodontology certified specialist in
Periodontology and Implants who developed a profound interest for the use of microsurgical
techniques in the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant diseases.
He graduated Summa cum Laude with a Honourable Mention from the University of Milan in
2015, and in 2016 he participated to the Osteology Research Academy Core Module at Harvard
University. Furthermore, he completed his clinical and research training through externships within
the University of California at Los Angeles, the University of Loma Linda, and the Université Paris
In 2017, he won the International Research Fellowship of the Italian Society of Osseointegration
(SIO), and completed a one-year stay at the Master of Periodontology and Implants at the
University Complutense of Madrid, where he completed the Master of Dental Sciences and the
Expert Course in Clinical Periodontology.
In 2019, he completed the international Master "Soft tissue management around teeth and
implants" at the University of Bologna, while in 2020, he won a Young Researcher Grant from the
Osteology Foundation.
In December 2021, he completed the Master in Periodontology and Implants at the University
Complutense of Madrid, receiving the EFP Board of Periodontology.
He is currently a Research Fellow and PhD student at the University Complutense of Madrid
involved in translational research in the fields of microscopy, tissue regeneration, peri-implant
biology, and microvascular analysis of mucogingival interventions around teeth and implants.