Shaam qualified from the Royal London in 1994 and is the Principal / Clinical Director of
Horizons Dental Centre. Shaam has also been involved with Foundation Training since
2001, teaching and mentoring new graduates in practice. In 2008, he was appointed to
the post of Training Programme Director in Health Education England running one of the
training schemes at Stafford & Stoke Hospitals. Shaam sits on the Local Dental
Committee panel in North Staffordshire and is also involved in examining.
He is a former examiner for the Faculty’s MJDF examination and currently examines for
Overseas Registration examination in London as well as the Royal College of Surgeon’s
LDS examination and the MFDS for Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh. He has
clinically mentored GDPs who have had FTP allegations brought against them. In 2006,
he acquired a Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Ethics and Law and has worked as a
Clinical panellist for the GDC’s Dental Complaints Service. He enjoys General Dentistry in
particular the field of Implant Dentistry.
He enjoys lecturing especially internationally where has been invited by many overseas
institutions to present on the MJDF and the ORE. His affiliation with the GDC
involved sitting as a panellist for the Fitness to Practice procedures adjudicating matters
on clinical and professional misconduct. His other roles include Specialist Advisor to the
CQC, Risk Management workshop presenter for Dental Protection Society and in 2021
appointment on the Advisory Board for Medical Protection.
Shaam lectures nationally and internationally on Medico-Legal matters for many
institutions some of which include Smile Academy, Professional Conferences, HEE, ADI,
Practical Implantology and British Academy of Implant and Restorative Dentistry.
In the summer of 2021, he set up the first ever PG Certificate in Dental risk Mitigation.
In 2022, Shaam was awarded double Fellowship with the College of General Dentistry in
London and Faculty of Dental Surgery in Edinburgh.
Outside Dentistry, he is blessed with his wife and 3 children, enjoys travelling and a
range of sports.