Dr. Simon Thackeray is a practicing dentist in Mansfield where he owns a 5-surgery fully private practice. He has been involved in dentinal tubules for many years and runs the Mansfield Study Club. He is a founder member, Director and Executive Board member of the British Association of Private Dentistry, which formed in the early part of the covid-19 pandemic. He is also a member of the BDA’s General Practice Committee, and their Private Practice committee. In addition to being a clinician he is an expert witness and holds a Masters in Medical Law.
He is known for being opinionated and vocal about dentistry and feels that communication in dentistry should always be about doing things better ethically and not about chasing targets. He has worked alongside Kevin Rose for 14 years both as a co-presenter and a client of Rose and Co.
Outside of dentistry he is a keen musician and the drummer with the Tublitones – the official house band of the Tubules Congress.