Workshop / Photography/ Record keeping/ Medico-legal

To educate dental professionals by demonstrating efficient and repeatable techniques in taking clinical photographs using case based discussion and hands-on exercises

Learning Objectives:

Why is clinical photography useful

Aims of a clinical photograph

  • Understanding an SLR camera it’s features
  • Understanding a mirrorless camera and its features
  • Discussing the process of recording an image
  • Overview of SLR equipment available and custom set-up for dental photographs
  • Overview of mirrorless equipment available and custom set-up for dental photographs
  • Understanding how to record a standardised set of clinical photographic views and posterior quadrant photographs
  • Logistics of effective clinical photography workflow
  • Introduction into more advanced techniques
  • Introduction into recording portrait views
  • Case presentations
  • Hands-on implementation of the concepts discussed
Ashish Soneji
Dental Surgeon with an interest in General and Restorative Dentistry