New CQC compliance framework with the quality statements. By October we should all be under the ‘new regime’ of CQC in England. How much has it changed and what do we need to do that is different?
Risk Assessments for all:
Ever been advised, “Just do a risk assessment”? Well, we will work through the risk assessment basics and how to do ad hoc risk assessments for all occasions. this will be a practical session so don your hard hats and grab your clipboards.
Audits: Let’s dispel the myths of complex, box ticking, time consuming audits shall we? We will have a semi deep dive into the what why when where and how of the illusive audit. No, they aren’t boring. Contrary to popular belief they aren’t to tick a box to satisfy some ethereal regulator either. Let’s create useful tools to improve quality and drive improvement.
To be competent to carry out audits and risk assessments in any environment and
for any occasion. Developing plans to see improvement completed and comply with
all our regulators
Appreciate the rationale behind risk assessments
Acknowledge the audit cycle and how it will drive improvement
Discuss the CQC and the current regime looking at how to meet the quality
statements set
Learning Outcome:
By the end of the session the delegate will have an increased awareness of the
current CQC regime and the practical aspects of carrying out Audits and Risk