Once upon a time Jane was a stressed out practice owner technically bankrupt, with a dysfunctional team and no money. As a young dentist less than four years qualified and a practice owner didn’t know what she didn’t know about dentistry and running a business.
Jane saw her first Therapist aged five because she had self-harming habits, she spent years in therapy, attempted suicide aged 13, battled with bulimia and anorexia, was signed off at Dental school for depression twice, and when in Practice was regularly drinking a bottle of wine a night, way much more than was healthy. After a difficult experience with a practice manager and failed relationship she was on high doses of antidepressants that were not helping. Then Jane discovered NLP and Coaching an experience that changed her life. Jane was able to stop taking the medication, has never experienced depression or mental health issues since. Jane is the only coach in the world who has be awarded the accolade of Master Certified Coach by the prestigious International Coaching Federation, she is a Fellow of the Association of coaching and a member of the Association of Psychological Therapies. Jane now dedicates herself to working as a business coach and therapist assisting dentists and the teams being the best version of themselves, so they are successful fulfilled personally and professionally. Jane will help you put stress anxiety, fear, and the whole range of mental health issues behind you.
Outside work, Jane is a keen vegetable gardener, dressmaker, runs daily and is involved as a trustee in a dental charity.