Shalini commenced specialist training at King's College London in 2006 obtaining the MClinDent in
Endodontology with Distinction and Membership in Restorative Dentistry of the Royal College of
Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2009. She is the Endodontic Lead for undergraduate and postgraduate
programmes at the School of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Central Lancashire (UCLan). She is the Course Lead for the 2-year MSc in Endodontology programme at UCLan, providing multi-
disciplinary clinical training for dentists with special interest since 2016.
Shalini has recently been appointed as Consultant in Endodontics at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Shalini was elected as Vice Chair of the Central Committee for Dental Educators and Researchers (British Dental Association), a member of the Dental Education Board (RCPSGlasgow), British Endodontic Society council member and a member of the European Society of Endodontology Clinical Practice Committee. She is the Chairperson of the British Dental Association Ribble Section, actively organising CPD programmes for the dental team in the Northwest.
Shalini has published over 35 peer reviewed articles and contributed to dental textbooks including the 'Principles of Endodontics', ‘CBCT in Endodontics’ and Pitt Ford's Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology'.
Shalini was awarded the ODRT OHI (PREVISER) AWARD in 2018 and the TCWhite Young Researcher's
Grant in 2019 to support her research into oral health and Alzheimer’s Disease.