Shivani is a specialist orthodontist trained to a consultant level leading her team at e11even
Dental and Park Lane Orthodontics. She enjoys treatment planning patients of all ages
requiring multidisciplinary care centred around orthodontics.
She is a big believer in face driven dentistry and always strives to work closely with her hand
picked paediatric, periodontal, restorative and oral surgery teams when caring for adult
patients to ensure they attain the highest standard of dental wellness- function and
She is a multi award winning specialist (Clinical Dentistry, Aesthetic and Private Dental
Awards 2011-2023), Diamond Apex Invisalign provider and named in the Dentistry Top
50,2022 and 2023 UK.
She particularly enjoys seeing children requiring orthodontics and understands that carefully
planning and timely orthodontics allows for the face and teeth to develop harmoniously into
adulthood. She encourages that children must be referred early for interceptive care
reducing the need sometimes for more complicated orthodontics later in the teen years.
With her love of teaching and interest in the future growth of the profession, Shivani
lectures to orthodontic postgraduates, orthodontic therapists at UCLAN and GKT and she
examines for the Royal College of Surgeons. She is also honoured to be on the interview
panel for the GKT Dental Institute and is now an integral part of the judging panel for the
Private Dentistry Awards, UK.
Set aside her clinical commitments she will often be seen lecturing on FMC organised
Dentistry conferences and also a keen editor and contributor to the Clinical Dentistry,
Private Dentistry and Dentistry magazines.
Her continued love for learning, teaching and personal growth leads her to believe in –‘We
are not what we know but what we are willing to learn.’