During this hands-on session we will revise the topic of crown lengthening, look at case selection and pre-treatment assessment. We will then do two practical sessions on basic surgical techniques and crown lengthening via a resective approach. We will end the session looking at cases to help you understand the broad indications for crown lengthening in dental practice.
Aims and objectives:
Gain an understanding of periodontal surgery and crown lengthening:
- Understand the role of aesthetic periodontal surgery to facilitate aesthetic restorative outcomes
- To revise the concept of biologic width
- Learn different techniques for crown lengthening
Following this workshop you should be able to:
- Assess patients for crown lengthening procedures
- Decide which technique to apply to any given situation
- Raise a full thickness flap and remove bone with different equipment
- Provide crown lengthening for your patients

Paul Baker
Specialist Periodontist

Ian Dunn
Specialist Periodontist