Having successful presented various aspects of medicolegal in an ever popular TubulesLive, the trio of Simon, Julia and Shaam will be presenting a whole day workshop at the Tubules Congress. This workshop will focus on helping associates and owners protect themselves from a medicolegal view.
Using case examples, they will explore the areas of
Consent and where consent can fail
Duty of candour
Aspects of communication
What to write in your notes and records esp when you are time bound; what are the critical things to add?
Vicarious liability and who is responsible when things goo wrong - the associate or the owner?
What to do when things go wrong, and how to handle a complaint
When to contact indeminity

Julia Furley
Senior Barrister and Partner at JFH Law

Shaam Shamsi
Clinical Director of Horizons Dental Centre

Simon Thackeray
Dentist with special interests in Orthodontics, Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry