We are delighted you have chosen to start your journey in Dental Sleep Medicine. This topic is very much at the forefront since the release of the NICE guidelines on Obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome and it is essential that we can screen our patients in the dental setting.
We are very pleased to be collaborating with our education accreditation partner, Dentinal Tubules and Eduqal in delivering this programme to provide a qualification that is essential in managing patients with sleep issues related to apnea. It is in everyone's best interest that dental professionals carry out an assessment to identify, prioritise and manage all significant threats to patients health.
Our faculty staff and lecturers in sleep medicine and clinical dentistry will work with you during your academic career mentoring you at each step to help you realise your full potential as a dental sleep professional. We have carefully selected excellent lecturers, clinical studies and reading material to give you the foundation knowledge required to make informed judgements and provide you with evidence-based protocols and treatment rationale which will elevate your daily dentistry and allow you embark upon more complex treatments enhancing your career and patient journey while reducing the risk and stress associated with these procedures.
This is a comprehensive blending learning program in Dental Sleep medicine. The program is delivered online with a three day residential component. Our flexible learning online format allows you to learn at your own pace and around personal commitments and for international students all time zones are accommodated for.
On behalf of myself and Dr Desai we look forward to meeting you and wish you the very best of luck in your studies.