We will explore the reasons leading to common errors in root canal preparation. How different approaches with contemporary instruments will help prevent and solve these complications, helping you achieve consistent high level results.
You will have unique access to four specialist endodontists, who are dedicated educators and work extensively in clinical practice. We will link theory to the reality of real-life practice.
In the workshop, you will get the opportunity to prepare bespoke 3D printed teeth using three different file systems. We will cover:
- Old school hand-files - a dying art and one needed if you want to take your endo to the next level,
- WaveOne Gold - utilising the complete system including the WaveOne Gold Glider,
- Reciproc Blue - we will explore how to shape a root canal with just one rotary file and no glide path and explore whether this can be done in all cases,
- TruNatomy - for the complex calcified and curved canal.
We will discuss why common errors occur, walking through clinical cases, and work on solutions to avoid these from happening in the first place. We will have a strong focus on prognosis, access, instrumentation, disinfection, obturation and restoration in this conversation leading us along the whole journey of endodontics.
The common theme for the day will be securing a great glide path to minimise your preparation errors and reduce the risk of you breaking files.

Jon Cowie
Specialist Endodontist, Lecturer and Educator

Luca Moranzoni
Specialist Endodontist

Shalini Kanagasingam
Senior Clinical Lecturer, Course Lead MSc Endodontology, University of Central Lancashire Consultant in Endodontics, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Bhavin Bhuva
Specialist Endodontist and Author